About us


WHAT IS PILATES, exactly?!

Pilates is a system of exercises designed to improve physical strength, flexibility, posture, and mental awareness.  It focuses on your core (abs, obliques, back, butt, thighs) and kicks your whole body into gear.  Each exercise takes concentration and endurance, and the focus is on form for a safe, low-impact workout that trains you how to use your muscles (allllll your muscles) effectively – in and out of the studio. Pilates is the ORIGINAL functional fitness.


Yes GIRL! It’s pretty much for everyone.  Pilates is designed to meet you at any fitness level, whether you’re a fitness fanatic, a regular gym-goer, or a once-a-month-or-so-if-I-feel-like-it exerciser.  At The Fitz, our signature workouts are created to accommodate most fitness types, styles, and schedules.  Because let’s face it…even Jane Fonda had to start somewhere!





Our 50-minute classes are based on the holistic principles of Pilates, but also emphasize strength training and cardio elements found in other forms of exercise for a unique, ATHLETIC, and highly effective workout. And we have fun...  Life is serious enough and we feel that your workout should be something you look forward to and have fun doing!


We are proud to work on custom-built Balance Body Reformers that provide the most athletic Pilates workout around.  Our machines provide constant resistance and allow the body to transition between exercises smoothly while maintaining an increased heart rate and allowing many more options than a traditional reformer.


We love a good selfie, but you won’t find mirrors on our walls.  We want you to focus on your body and form while you work, not on how your hair looks!  (Trust us, it looks great.)  While we guarantee you’ll get sweaty, have no fear, babe!  We have a shower room and dry shampoo bar to get yourself ready for whatever comes next.


If you WANT to be here, we WANT you to be here!  At The Fitz, you’ll get an athletic and efficient workout without burning out or breaking the bank.  We are firm believers that Pilates can be amazing for everyone and we work hard to keep our classes in budget.  And nothing against Barbie, but we believe in real Pilates babes with real Pilates bodies.  We remember what it’s like to be the new kid, and we ALL have to start somewhere!  You’ll be welcomed in class no matter your fitness level or what brand of leggings you’re sporting…WE PROMISE!   We play killer music (think Beyonce and Beck, Selah Sue and Nas, T-Pain and Bon Iver – you name it!) and we’ve even been known to crack open a bottle of Rose’ after our evening classes…


spandex shop──────

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shop the fitz

Trust us, we've got great taste.

In our on-site shop, we’ve hand-picked a killer selection of up-and-coming activewear and accessory lines to take you from Pilates to Pinot in two shakes of a dry shampoo bottle.

Mon-Fri: 9AM-1PM and 4PM-6PM






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